Sunday, July 4, 2010
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Jennifer Anistons Top 5 Sexiness Secrets Revealed

Despite many ups and downs in her life, actress Jennifer Aniston has managed to maintain her sexiness and success, and here are the top five secrets that keep her going strong.
The first secret to 41-year-old Aniston`s good looks is her hair, which had consisted of medium brown curls, until she turned to world-renowned colourist Michael Canale.
Canale popped the front up with highlights, while uber-stylist Chris McMillan played around with his scissors in what was to become "The Rachel", and she has ever since been considered a Hollywood hair icon.
"We then moved her into the caramel girl, then the golden girl and now she`s sandy beige blonde," a news channel quoted Canale as saying.
"Jen`s just so comfortable in her skin, that`s why everyone is so interested in her - and I think her sandy look right now is the prettiest of them all. It`s the hardest to keep, but the sun can usually keep it vibrant," he stated.
The second secret are her brows, which have been plucked by the same woman for over a decade, Anastasia Soare of Anastasia Beverly Hills.
"I have been doing this a very long time, most of the A-List celebrities today were my clients when they were auditioning years ago still trying to get a break," Soare said.
"In Hollywood image is everything, and stars are a brand. People look to them for the best in brows, hair, makeup, clothing and jewellery.
"Brows are just as important to framing the face and balancing your features as any eye shadow, and one cannot be done without the other, that`s why I always consider brows part of your beauty ritual.
"The right brows always should start with more. Don`t tweeze your brows daily and expect a makeover when you walk into a salon as you might not have enough to work with.
"Choose a brow shape that compliments your face, and a colour that is balanced with your hair and skin tone.
"Even if you make your hair pink, your brows should always maintain a natural hue to compliment and balance your face," Soare explained.
The third secret is the way she maintains her tight and toned body, brought about by L.A-based "Yogalosophy" creator Mandy Ingber, who Aniston has been having private sessions with for the past six-and-a-half years.
"When I started doing yoga with Mandy, I noticed many things. My legs getting leaner. My arms getting stronger, and most importantly, I noticed an inner strength," Aniston wrote as a testimonial on Ingber`s website.
"Mandy`s yoga is unique, because she allows the student to discover what `yoga` is and means to them. I feel like I am getting a meditation, a workout, and time with my friend, all rolled into one hour," she had stated.
Ingber`s approach isn`t targeted toward dramatically transforming one`s figure, and instead encourages her students not to wait for perfection to love their body.
The fourth secret is the way Aniston keeps her face silky smooth and seemingly flawless just by using a plain old bar of Neutrogena soap.
Aniston uses the brand`s famous transparent "Amber Bar", a beauty staple since the 1950s, which "gently cleanses the skin and returns it to its natural pH level just minutes after washing".
The star started using the soap as a teenager, and once again, and she has stayed true to the product that she has been using even before her days of fame.
The fifth secret to her success, is consulting with an Intuitive Life Strategist like Suzannah Galland.
"I have a very powerful, even laser-sharp intuition. I`ve had it all my life," Galland explained.
"I can sit with a person and, almost as if I`m taking their temperature, give an accurate reading as to what most concerns them, and the likely outcomes.
"I help my clients make plans, or see what the people they`re involved with are planning for them. I help a person clear a path in their life.
"What they [celebrity clients] are looking for is someone to trust. Because they`re on top, everybody around them is agreeing with them - they`ve forgotten how to access their own instincts.
"Their problems are very different from what most people face. Their fears of failure are also more intense than most other people`s. After all, having attained such heights, they have farther to fall.
"How might they renew themselves, do more, regain a trust in their own impulses to excel and surpass?
"I strive at all times to be truthful - to be that voice that gives strength to the intuitive good judgment that is already there inside them, but which has been buried by the fog of being famous," Galland added..
Life Insurance Charlottesville VA – 33 Secret Tips To Not Get RIPPED OFF
So I see you’re hunting for “life insurance charlottesville”. Before you make another click, and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing “33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off”.
Because chances are, up until now, you’ve been overwhelmed with…
-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.
-Companies trying to duke it out with who’s got the lowest quotes…who’s been around for 800 years.
Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of fact…you may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!
Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider’s Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.
You see…over the years I’ve learned that those things just don’t impress people anymore. When they’re searching for “life insurance charlottesville”, what they’re really looking for is someone that’s REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.
And unfortunately, I’ve witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.
That is until now.
Introducing my latest report: “33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off”
This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:
What are the Different Types?
…Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG
Things to Consider
…These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS
Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
…A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not
33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
…Secrets tips agents don’t freely tell, that you must know
Who is Tripp?
…Who I am and why you should listen to me
In My “Not-So-Smart” Days
…What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you
The Inside Scoop
…Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy
What Makes Me “The Whiz”
…10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys
What Happens Next
…Okay so you’re strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?
So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don’t even understand anyway.
Mesothelioma Cancer And The Asbetos Exposure Risk Component
If we examine the number of cases of this cancer worldwide, we percieve that it is regretably increasing over years and the information say that it may climb further. What is the root cause behind this damaging cancer?
The leading factor that governs the mesothelioma cancer is asbestos exposure. The contact with asbestos fiber is compared to setting ourselves up to be unsuccessful. The incidence of the disease is therefore high in occupations those get direct contact with asbestos. The sectors include ship yard field, roof shingles, construction trade, etc..
This is exactly why the laborers listed here are at the highest threat of getting the mesothelioma cancer. Also several solvents and chemicals used in specific industrial sectors are risky and could work as triggers for genetic mutation to happen.
Inevitably the genetic mutation continues as the key causative variable for almost any cancer. But asbestos exposure serves as a trigger for this mutation. The particles of asbestos are microscopic and they are often breathed in simply while working in its location. These particles when inhaled stick in the lungs and possess the capacity to remain there for very long period. This initiates the beginning of the cancer although it takes two or three decades for symptoms to surface.
That’s the reason why many general practitioners overlook the diagnosis and consider the severe cough is because of pneumonia. Though very careful investigative studies, doctors can diagnose mesothelioma, and pleural biopsy is the final test that confirms the diagnosis. It is definitely good for the affected individual when this diagnosis is conducted at beginning stages so that his probability of recuperation and life improve by leaps and bounds.
Comprehending the dangerous effect of asbestos, for this reason, numerous governments today (like UK Government) have taken strict actions against the occupational environment and have resolved the amounts of asbestos allowable in the workplaces. But in countless developing countries, using asbestos is the norm, and this is increasing the incidence of mesothelioma.
The most significant aspect about avoidance of asbestos exposure is that for putting into action such prevention, employers need not devote huge dollars. Merely making accessible a well-fitting mask is enough for protecting enormous amounts of asbestos employees throughout the world. However this action seems difficult for some companies. That is the reason why these companies currently can be disciplined and sought compensations from by filing a lawsuit.
The mesothelioma sufferers can speak to mesothelioma law firm and file a case against such reckless employers. No question prevention is much better than a cure. But if your company cuased you to endure this serious cancer, you should be due compensation for health-related expenses and lost wages.
Just beware of this harmful cancer. If you or your family member is working in comparable industries, help to make certain your employer is taking care of appropriate preventive steps and if not, you can raise your voice in opposition to it! You ought to have safety at your job!
Laser Hair Removal: No Training Required
In Canada, no license is required to operate a laser hair removal machine and training is usually provided by the manufacturer. Only the machine itself is licensed by Health Canada.
“Although controlled trials of laser hair removal have shown that severe adverse effects are uncommon, there have been reports of burns, pigmentary changes, scarring, reactivation of herpes viruses and even paradoxical hypertrichosis, the growth of unwanted hair,” write Diane Kelsall, Deputy Editor, Clinical Practice, CMAJ and coauthors. “Eye complications have also occurred when the eyes have not been shielded adequately.”
Health Canada recommends that anyone considering laser hair removal “be sure that the person who will operate the device has the training and experience needed to perform the procedure safely and effectively” and that the client should ask for references and check that the device is licensed. Without any specific knowledge about techniques and equipment for laser hair removal, the client is required to judge the fitness of the operator and the suitability of the machine.
“To allow untrained staff to operate laser devices with such potential for harm is unreasonable,” conclude the authors. “Canadians should insist that Health Canada, our national regulator of medical devices, set minimum training standards for operators of lasers used for hair removal.”
Swingers, Sex Workers, STIs: Same Data, Different Day
I find that re-writing the data on my own forces me to pay close attention, think carefully about what I’m doing, and even feel something about the data set. I did this with the swinger STI data. Here’s what it looked like:
MSM, 10.2%
straight people, 9.7%
swingers, 6.4%
sex workers, 4.2%
MSM, 6.3%
sex workers, 0.8%
straight people, 0.6%
swingers, 4.3%
MSM, 14.2%
straight people, 10.1%
swingers, 10.4%
sex workers, 4.8%
These numbers represent the percentage of people from each group that tested positive for chlamydia, gonorrhea, or both (MSM stands for “men who have sex with men”). This isn’t the order or form that the data were presented in the paper, but that’s part of why doing this is a good exercise. When I draw the data on a page I do it several different ways, sometimes there are doodles too. But I digress.
The point of this post is that what struck me about the data after transposing it onto my own paper was the STI rates for sex workers. Most of the media coverage of this article has noted this too. Well, sort of. The coverage has mostly talked about the sex worker rates in the context of how shocking it is that swinger rates are higher than sex workers. No one said anything about how much LOWER the sex worker rates were. Looking at these numbers we see that for this (admittedly small, and non-representative) group of people, sex workers had less than half the rate of STIs as other people coming to the clinic for testing.
Does it surprise you that sex workers had lower rates of STIs than swingers, MSM or the fourth, utterly generic, “heterosexual” category? It might. After all, the dominant narrative about sex workers is that they are fundamentally broken, and probably diseased. This is the story we read in the newspapers, the one we see on TV, the one we encounter in most online discussions, regardless of the stated sexual politics of those having the discussions. This is the story we know because we’re usually told stories about sex work from people who aren’t sex workers (although if you take the time to look, their voices are out there).
The truth is that sex workers as a group are no more homogeneous than any other group, and no more broken than actors in LA or psychiatrists in ERs. And while sex workers are at greater risk for STIs because of their work, it doesn’t always mean they
Different Day,
Same Data,
Sex Workers,
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